Media Information

The ECU Foundation is a non-profit, private foundation chartered in the state of Texas. We proudly support educational programs and initiatives across the Texas Panhandle.

Media Contacts

Matt Morgan
Executive Director


The generous work of the Education Credit Union is truly remarkable.  The Pocket Change Grant program began in 2009 and has exceeded $750,000 in awards for teachers.  These funds enhance classroom resources in support of student learning.  For all of the classrooms and districts who have benefitted from this program, we are extremely grateful for the Education Credit Union for helping our teachers and students.

Dr. Darryl Flusche , CISD Superintendent

When I think of the generosity of the Education Credit Union and its employees, I am overcome with gratitude. We can make no better investment in our future than one which supports students and teachers. I can tell you the impact of three-quarters of a million dollars awarded through Pocket Change Grants is felt in our schools, and it has and is making a difference in the lives of students.

Doug Loomis, AISD Superintendent

The Pocket Change Grant is an amazing program offered by Education Credit Union. ECU annually puts money back into the classrooms and programs by awarding these grants. For River Road ISD, this program has helped many of our teachers do extra things for students. Thank You, Education Credit Union, and keep up this much-needed program!

Richard Kelly, River Road ISD Superintendent